Can Kathon preservatives be added to personal care products?

2018-04-24 09:29:29 天纬化学 49

          Kathon preservatives are internationally recognized as safe and effective preservatives, and there are many types of preservatives that are suitable for many industries. Can you add kathon to personal care products?

The writter here to give everyone to popularize the knowledge about adding preservatives care products, there are many care products declared to contain no preservatives, this is a misleading consumer argument, care products often contact with the air if you do not add anti-corrosion The bacteria in the air contaminate the product, which can lead to mold deterioration and shorten the shelf life.


        The preservatives in daily chemical products have strict requirements, and must be efficient and safe preservatives. The cosmetic preservative formula produced by Tianwei Chemicals does not contain heavy metals and can be added to cosmetics and personal care products. The medicaments are safe and convenient , stable performance.


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