Cassava preservatives are also needed in pesticides

2018-05-04 09:33:42 天纬化学 47

Kathon preservatives are also needed in pesticides

          Kasong is a kind of widely used bactericidal antiseptic, especially in the cosmetics industry, the effect is also particularly prominent. Can you add kason in pesticides?

          Kasong is highly effective and can be combined with anionic, cationic, non-ionic and various ionic emulsifiers and proteins. It has a strong penetrating power to the cell membrane of microorganisms, and it can decompose and destroy the cellular tissues of microorganisms. It also has strong killing and inhibiting effects on bacteria, fungi, algae and other microorganisms commonly found in industrial production.

         Therefore, it can be said that Casson can be added and used in pesticides. At the same time, Casson does not contain any heavy metals, and it can effectively inhibit and eradicate fungi and various microorganisms. The anti-corrosion effect is remarkable, and can be completely suppressed at a concentration of 150 ppm. Bacteria grow at a concentration of 125 ppm and completely inhibit yeast and mold growth.

        The use of kason as a bactericidal antiseptic in pesticides can greatly extend the storage time of pesticides and does not change the efficacy of pesticides.

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